
Seeking Warmth In Ice



04-08-2013, 02:53 AM

[Image: KrashTableHeader.png]

A family... and an army? It wasn't what Krash had imagined at all, not from the description of the pack that others had given him. It was no peaceful haven, according to miss Crusade, but a deadly place to call home. He wasn't sure exactly it was that he did imagine, but it wasn't a constant fight against bears and weather. Of course these wolves of the coldlands would be so large and toughened as her and he, they lived a life that might have been as tough as the one he left behind.

But perhaps Glaciem was a home even better than what he thought he sought? Krash had fought against the brute he was ever since his journey began, but again and again his old ways found him. It could be that he was meant to live against a struggle, and a home like this one, not lacking in need for his strength, would be the only place he could live. The war-beast needed to fight, but he would not do so in vain.

Glaciem appeared not to be warmongers, fighting for their own protection and safety, so even warriors, they were not Aginulfus. Here he could fight for good reasons and not for hate, greed, or simple bloodlust. Here he could find purpose and become the guardian of good souls, not the conqueror, hound of the vicious sovereign named Gundbern. No, his gift of might would bring safety and sanctuary to others, and the fight itself would be his haven.

Assuming that everything he was hearing and surmising of them was true... He had no reason to distrust the woman before him other than the resentment he grew to feel with all other warrior-types. Each scar meant a battle, and likely a death, and how could he know if the killing was justified? Such thinking might make him a hypocrite, he who bore many scars on his pelt and more unjustified deaths in his heart, but that only contributed to the reasons to be wary of another brute; she may have as many murders on her conscience and not have sought redemption.

"If possible, I would like to join you temporarily - a trial, we could call it - so I can see if I do want to... spend my life here. Would your brother be the wolf to speak to, who has the authority to approve such?" asked Krash slowly, as he was still thinking it out as he said it. This would hopefully satisfy his doubt and still give him a chance. Yes, just give him a couple months to investigate the pack and see what they truly stand for, and he could decide to stay or leave then, if they are willing to accept the proposal.

[Image: KrashTableFooter.png]