
U mad huh?

Mercy I


5 Years

08-04-2015, 09:39 AM

She was happy that she got the damned brute all wet for laughing at her, it really wasn't that funny. Okay... Maybe it was in someone else's eyes, but not hers! She had been angry, very angry. It had always been a strong emotion for her, and it generally lingered the longest. It wasn't her fault. Plus, water had seemed a nice medium. Getting up and watching him shake the dirt and water off of himself, she poked out the tip of her salmon tongue at it. Maybe it was childish to tackle him but whatever, clearly he had learned his lesson now.

He introduced himself as well, tacking on that he would never again laugh at girls in rivers. Mercy couldn't help but chuckle at that, curling her elongated pale tail around her paws. "Well, good. You should never laugh at a damsel in distress," she teased coyly, noticing once again that the brute was actually quite the looker. With some manners, at least. When he asked why she was attacking the water her ears quivered atop her head, purple gaze cast elsewhere. "Just ah... working out frustration I guess. Seemed better then biting into someone's flesh, don't you think?" Mercy asked, her voice taking on an edgier tone. But when she looked at Leo she flashed him a grin, showing off her teeth. She was a fighter through and through, which wasn't hard to tell from the v shape scar that marked her back. There were plenty of other scars on this dame as well, but most her pale fur covered up.

Sniffing the air, she picked up on the scent of another pack coming from Leo, one that she didn't quite know. Head tilted to the side as she let herself take in his form once more. "So where do you come from anyways? You don't smell like any pack I know." It also wasn't like Mercy went out of her way to memorize all the scents of the packs, that would take leaving Imperium for a little while to track them all down. She knew the ones that had been close to her, Abaven, the stench that Rhythm carried around on her form. The girl snorted at the very thought of the stupid pack full of weaklings, their alpha couldn't even protect Rhythm, from what she had heard. She did wish that he had had the balls to do it though, would have saved her a world of headaches... Shaking her head to clear the thoughts, she put her focus back on the shorter man before her. It was also nice to be tall for once, with Imperium being full of freaking giants.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.