
Dirty Paws


04-08-2013, 05:49 AM

Though previously nervous, her multi-toned company soon seemed to find some sort of warped amusement in the youngsters distaste for pleasantries. A rasped chuckle rumbled from within the vixens pipes, an irritatingly cheerful greeting fizzing within the girls ears. A careless scowl come forth with the discomfited twitching of a lip, vibrant eyes flicking away from the auburn mistress, ?Eos.? Muscles twisted, body turning to hesitantly head back the way she had come; in no mood at all to deal with the she-wolf and her bubbling personality.

Though just the teenagers luck- sprawled before her path, a silvered figure had made nest within the refreshing body of the rock-pools. Beads of tarnished water following the lay of her saturated pelt, the natural size of her carcass one for note; though the dwindling perfume of a baking womb was enough to suggest pregnancy and vigorous hormones. Her scent was unfamiliar, though powerful. A wolf of such body mass often withheld a high rank, though the youth failed to be impressed. Her father couldn?t have been any smaller than the wench herself, size within the Adravendi family had never been lacking.

?Oh fantastic,? a heavy groan accompanied the ladies accent, vivacious eyes pinned to the aloof frame of the basking queen. Did she care for her new entertainments name, also? Would she too beg fondly to be told of the painfully drab events of the day? Minute or massive, sweet or sour- the lady would receive no return of pleasantries. Not today.