
Chrono is Back!

Chrono I


5 Years
08-04-2015, 10:45 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 09:10 AM by Chrono I.)
Since I have decided to come back I have dropped Caeto, Legend, and Alvin. They may come back in the future so long as they are still mine and I have not adopted them out.

As a warning, also some other roleplayers or writers experience this. My characters  act with a mind of their own. Of course I can control it, but it wouldn't make it too fun if we all played safe and had our goody two-shoes, perfect characters.

My characters are prone to starting their own fights, speaking rudely to others, even acts of kindness! Not all of my characters are bad!

Anything that I write down IC has nothing to do with you OOCly. If you do feel offended by my writing, you can always talk to me! I can try my best to make you feel comfortable.

Chione Olympus
Female - 2 years - Straight

Chione is my main babe, I love roleplaying her. This once-princess had wanted nothing more than to be someone's Queen. She wanted desperately to grab her parents attention so they could make her the heir to their kingdom.

Just one little problem: she hears a voice by the name of "Charon." Charon plays a huge effect on Chione's words and actions. He can make her do just about anything. She may seem crazy due to the fact that she is but Charon's intentions do not match the same as his vessel's.

Sure this girl can spit some fire without the help of her little "friend" and can easily get into fights. Her clouded and punctured eye can tell you that. But other than her short temper and evil inside her mind, secretly she has a soft heart. She has yet to truly show it and will move around every opportunity to. She doesn't want other to see her as weak.

Chione just recently last her mother in a death match (almost a year ago pretty much). She has been roaming the western lands ever since, breaking free of her enslavement and trying to avoid her family.

Here's What I'm Looking For:

-A love interest that isn't interested in a true relationship (maybe later.)
-A meeting with her father.
-Possibly running into siblings/other family.
-A "darker" aligned pack that will take her in/possibly claim her.
-Some spars!

Zola Leone
Female - 1 year - Straight

Zola is my seductive sexy babe that loves her brother like it's not a problem, and to her it isn't! Her parents were brother and sister and Lian and Zola will carry it on to the next generation.

Zola may eventually start sleeping around, only for the gain of something such as food or something valuable. But her heart belong to Lian so sorry boys! Nothing will ever separate them in her mind.

Zola is a little sheltered, once living in the S.S. Antiox with just her parents and 3 other siblings. She wishes that she doesn't have to do any work and though she gives whoever a hard time for pushing her to do something, she will eventually get over herself and do it. She doesn't really like listening to rules and can get into a lot of trouble. She was scared of the world when she was younger but has come out to face reality.

Here's What I'm Looking For:

-Men to sleep with. Yes. Sexes.
-girls who she can get jealous of for looking at Lian I mean what?
-No friends but threads are cool.

Necrosis Lydia-Red
Male - 1 year - Asexual

Necrosis is a boy of absolutely no feeling. Nope, NO LOVIES FOR YOU. Hee doesn't see a gain in a sexual relationship (if he even gets there) but eventually he will  have babies. Force it on him.

Necrosis had a strange and very strong connection with his mother. His parents made a pack to where it had been invaded and Necro and his siblings were sent away and separated from their parents. One day Necro went out on a search for his mother and got lost. He now lives in the Whispering caves by himself.

Necro often wakes up in a panic to find his mother, screaming and even running off.

Here's What I'm Looking For:

-Someone to take him in, rather a pack than a loner.
-Eventually someone to have his babies. Would like to add another color in there.
-Meet lots of new peeps.

Amarant Sovari-Mathias
Male - 2 years - Straight

Amarant is this adorable boy who still acts young and doesn't really understand love yet. Unfortunately his whole life has been a bad start despite his happy attitude.

Amarant's father was wed to another woman, thous him never meeting the man. Before the boy could turn a year old his mother had passed and his unknown grandfather stepped up to claim him and his brother. Amarant then went to a pack where he bonded well with his grandfather but it all went down the drain when his brother got someone pregnant and the two were sentenced away. Amarant followed them and lived with them a while until one day he came back and the whole family gone. He now waits in the Weeping woods for them to return.

Here's What I'm Looking For:

-Spars because yes!
-Lots of friends!
-Eventually Love.
-Babies after love.
-Possibly joining a pack.
-Meeting his half siblings!

Alvin Lastic
Male - 2 years - Straight

Alvin is my evil boy. Well, so he thinks. He can be pretty annoying with his attitude and his desire to rule the world. He can easily get into physical fights and doesn't find shame in losing. But he will rub it in anyone's face if he wins.

Alvin was living up north in Redbud Nook during the night and wandered Firefly Lake during the day. He could have easily been spotted by Abaven wolves, this is his original origin. But he just recently traveled south and is currently looking for a new home as a loner.

Here's What I'm Looking For:

-Spars, he is feisty.
-People who he can aggravate!
-Possible love interests/sexy times

Chrono Lastic

Chrono is now DEAD and cannot accept anything but Somnium Threads.

Those I Can Thread With:

