
How Has It Come To This



5 Years
Extra large
08-04-2015, 01:38 PM

There was a pleasant ache in Vana's muscles as she continued her most recent bout of exploration, heading back toward home after a run further south. She was growing sleek and strong as she moved toward adulthood, the more so as she worked her young body's stamina and slowly toned her muscles. She would - thankfully - never be a hulking muscle bound brute, her build much more resembling the elegance of her own mother's saluki-like build. Still, with the help of her travels she was filling out her gangly teen form a bit so she didn't have quite the odd scarecrow look she'd had for a short while.

Poking her head curiously into the caves, she narrowed her eyes. Surely there were mushrooms of some sort growing in here that she could gather and bring back to her mother to identify. Or maybe Revenge would recognize some. She'd learned her lesson about putting her mouth on strange plants and fungi, though, so she'd have to be careful about transporting them. She moved into the shadows of the cave, her claws ticking loudly against the stone. It was kind of eerie, wasn't it...

Unexpectedly - though really she should have expected it, since she was craning her head to look around and wasn't looking where she was going - she tripped over something - someone - and was sent tumbling into the wall that she would have run into anyway (and in fact probably would have smacked into with a lot more force had she not been fortunate enough to step on him first), and crumbled into a - very annoyed - heap. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" she cried angrily, scrambling to get her long legs back under her. It was clearly his fault she'd tripped over him, after all, sleeping out where she was walking. But she stopped to peer through the gloom at the soft squishy she'd tripped over. He looked weirdly familiar, though she couldn't quite place where she'd seen him.

Then it clicked. "Toxin?" No, no, Toxin was all blue, not greenish and blue like this male, but they had really really similar markings and color other than that so it was clear how she could have mistaken him. She hadn't seen such an unusual coat color since Toxin had been taken away by his Mama though, so she continued to stare surreptitiously at him as she smoothed her rumpled coat.
