
Oh Really? e.e



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-04-2015, 05:18 PM

He raised a brow as she told him she was no longer friends with his younger half brother. Well, he supposed it was better to cut ties with the weak. Whether she was the weak one, or his sulking brother he didn't know. Wait, did he still sulk? He did before. And as far as he knew so far, people weren't quick to change. But the world always had a way of surprising him, not that he was ever really surprised to begin with. "I would say I'm...sorry for your loss, but really I'm not. I'd be lying, though I have no qualms about that." He offered a wry smirk, wondering if he'd be able to tick her off. If not, then maybe that would be a surprise after all. However, when she mentioned her having a "positive effect" on him, he nearly laughed. A brow quirking as he looked at her with a look of great amusement. "You're right, life is dangerous. So what makes you think you'll have any sort of positive influence on me?" Was she underestimating him?

"I take it you will be seeking a crown soon, you may not know me well neither I you. However I feel the two of us would benefit from an alliance. My kingdom or maybe not so much a kingdom as a pack is going to grow. With how strong you are, it would be terrible for us to be enemies. Although, we can be strong ourselves." Oh ho ho...Now things were getting interesting. His look took on one of guarded curiosity, so she was smarter then he thought. "A good eye and a sharp mind. You know at least one thing about me. But yes, you're right. I do intend on seeking a crown, and whether I have to pry it from another or force myself to be patient and gather more followers, well...time will tell." He chuckled, she was greatly amusing him. "Don't tempt me. If I were in any other mood I wouldn't have any problem in attacking you in your current state." He smiled again, "Survival of the fittest, remember?"

He listened to her words, though whether it sounded crazy coming from her because of her hormones, or crazy on his part for still standing around and listening, well who knew. The devil needed an opportunity, and it seemed one was being placed at his very feet. He didn't have a pack yet, but already a pack, or rather, the Alphess that belonged to a family that had a long standing feud with his blood lines was here, offering an alliance with him. The question was, what would her pack mates think about it? "I give you credit, you're smarter then I thought. But let me ask you this...what will your pack mates think of this? I'm sure they won't be too pleased that you're basically and in simplest terms, forcing them to ally with the dark side. I'm sure they're a bunch of goody goods who would never see this coming. Are you willing to risk their trust?" Wait...maybe...she didn't have it quite yet? It was an interesting thought when he looked at it from that perspective, "Unless...they don't trust you?"
