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04-08-2013, 07:48 AM
Thane's features went slack as the conversation continued; a more relaxed yet gallant pose. Perhaps he really had overreacted but the brute didn't want to be on death's door once more. Do any others imagine how weird it would be to be unconscious in spring and wake up in Summer? the brute had to be more cautious...but he did feel bad for being so defensive towards Rita at first. Then she said something about being his once in a while but the male didn't know what that was supposed to mean; Rita even spoke in some sort of accent by the sound of it. Thane wondered how his conversations would be if he spoke in his home tongue. He doubted a handful of wolves spoke Russian at all or understood it.

"I do apologize on behalf of my behavior...if it is quite alright to understand I wish to avoid another situation on death's door. I'm sure we may have all been there...or perhaps only I have as viewed by you but...; I did not mean to mistreat you in any way..." he finished in his usual soft silky voice like the whisper of the wind.

White lined ears perked up at the reply to the explanation of his own name with Rita's own explanation of her name. The wolf nodded as he listened patiently. pearl, beautiful; Rita was a nice name indeed.

"I must be honest and say that you do adhere to your name quite well."

The male's aqua blue gaze settled on the dame as she replied to his option of hospitality; on the inside the brute was glad for some company as well. A smile flashed across the brute's muzzle as Rita walked over and hip bumped him as she agreed. A small chuckle escaped his lips as she did so before Thane stood up and started for the thick of the forest on the border.

Suddenly an eagle's cry was heard as it rang out through the forest. The black wolf tilted his head to the sky as his ears perked up. Aqua blue orbs scanned the tree tops for the bird.

Then a golden eagle appeared as it flew by and eventually perched on the brute's shoulder.

"Master Thane I do apologize for being late." the bird said as he looked at his companion with golden eyes.

"No need to worry Cyril, don't get your feathers ruffled over nothing. I assume you were late on behalf of your stomach again? There are plenty of tasty little mammals in this forest my friend. In fact Rita here and Iwere just about to catch a snack. "

"A pleasure madame Rita, my name is Cyril Tsarev" the bird said with a small bow towards the dame.

"Master Thane should I fly back to the mistress if you do not need my assistance at the moment?"

"I think I am quite alright so yes you may my friend." Thane said with anod towards the golden eagle as it spread it's amber wings.

They all stood there for a moment as the bird waited with it's wings stretched out.

"идти(Go)" the brute said eventually which caused the bird to fly off back into the trees.

Thane turned towards Rita and gave a small smile along with a chuckle.

"So, are you ready to find ourselves a snack? I thought I had heard a rustle in the bushes off to our left before; perhaps it may be a squirrel."