
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



4 Years
08-04-2015, 08:40 PM

Contact was made; the front of Warja's left shoulder slamming into her opponent's left elbow. Before Warja could begin celebrating, her other two attacks and their failures soured her mood. Her bite missed entirely and what did her attempt to drag her opponent's right forefoot towards her chest get her? PAIN. Her opponent's right forefoot slammed down on top of the upturned inner side of Warja's right forefoot. The force of the blow made her toes squash together and the accordion-like squishing distributed the force exerted upon the toes and lessened the damage to them. Her toes popped, but no significant harm was done. Instead a moderate bruise would later form across the side of her innermost toe and the lightly strained fibers that held the foot together would complain when walked on.

Warja snatched her right forefoot back immediately. Gingerly she placed the smarting toes back on the ground, and after a moment of testing them, bit the bullet and evenly distributed her weight across all four legs. Her stance remained slightly wider than hip and shoulder width, her knees and elbows were bent slightly, her toes splayed and her nails tipped down to dig into the dirt into the dirt.

With Warja's positioning unchanged (her left shoulder even with Varda's left elbow) Varda's attempted bite to Warja's right elbow missed its target completely since Warja's right elbow wasn't in range. Instead, Varda's bite sunk into the lowest part of Warja's left shoulder directly above where her shoulder connected to her elbow. The force behind the subsequent yank tore open a moderate bite wound as Varda's teeth ripped free. The wound hurt terribly, but Warja wasn't easily cowed. Her retaliation came swiftly.

Hoping to strike before Varda had the chance to move her face out of range, Warja rolled her left shoulder in and down in the hopes of removing her wound from harm's way as she sought to use the muscular outside of her left shoulder as a battering ram. Kicking off with her hind legs, Warja shoved hard to her left in the hopes of slamming the middle of the meaty exterior of her left shoulder into the plush tip of Varda's nose. Warja was hoping to cause severe pain as well as make her opponent's eyes water and her nose bleed.

As she did this Warja's left forefoot rose and attempted to slam down on top of Varda's left forefoot. Warja intended to pin her opponent's foot beneath her weight as she shoved to her left. While doing this Warja instinctively redistributed her weight across her remaining three grounded paws, which her smarting right forefoot loudly protested.

Warja's head also darted to her left. Jaws parting, Warja lashed out and attempted to drive her upper teeth into the middle of Varda's forehead between her ears. Warja's lower teeth would hopefully sink in directly beneath that right between her opponent's eyes. It would be hard to get a grip over such a tight area, so Warja's goal was to slam her jaws shut and shred the thin skin covering Varda's forehead. Such a wound was likely to cause permanent scarring. Head wounds wept terribly and so with this in mind Warja was hoping her opponent's own blood would temporarily blind her.

Knowing that getting her face so close to her opponent's was just asking for trouble, Warja kept her eyes narrowed and her ears pinned. She also kept her lips curled high in the hopes of wrinkling the skin along her muzzle and between her eyes in the hopes of giving further protection to her eyes. Her hackles stood straight and tall, and her tail rose behind her to lay even with her spine. Warja was tense, her muscles held taunt for quick movements. No matter what her opponent threw at her next Warja was ready...

Round TWO of TWO
