
[AW] Dance Dance



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-05-2015, 02:01 AM

Well, she was bored. It didn't take much to make Esti bored. She knew sooner or later she would go to the battlefield and start another fight, but for now, she traveled. There were many lands she never visited. When she was younger, she stuck to the Willows and Valhalla, then when she was an adult, she stuck to Imperium. She had to admit she didn't hate it as much as she thought she would, but she still needed room to move and breathe. Especially since everyone in Imperium seemed to busy to meet up or do anything fun... or maybe it was just because Esti was too caught up with Ashmedai. She wanted something different and... fun. Even if it was just for a little while, Esti wanted to feel excited.

This place wasn't exactly exiting. There was grass. There was lots of grass. Esti hadn't seen any trees in a while, though she did run across the river. Since the area was so open, Esti began to run through it, stretching her legs. Her heart and breath sped up as her paws hit the ground rhythmically. She ran beside the river for some time, her maw gaining a lopsided smile as she panted. At some point, without even thinking, Esti threw herself into the air towards the river. She was underwater and she heard the deep drumming of the water in her ears for a second before she surfaced. The water wasn't terribly deep, though it was enough to jump into at this spot. It was spring, so the river had to be at its fullest. Looking at it now, one would never guess it almost dried up in the summer. Esti paddled to shore and pulled herself out of the waters, giving herself a decent shake. Well, that was fun, but Esti soon found herself bored again.
