
Taking the Time [PACK MEETING]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-05-2015, 02:36 AM

Claws clicked on the wooden barge as he made his way towards where the others were gathered. His surprise run in with the Alphess here had surprised him more then anything, and it was an opportunity he would not throw away. Whether she was smart or stupid was beyond him, but it was done nonetheless. He was here to ensure she kept her promise, but more so to see the reaction of her mindless minions. According to her, they didn't exactly respect her...well, it would all change soon enough. And whether they hated him or liked him, he really didn't care either way. They would learn the hard way if he had to, and respect through fear or respect through the old fashioned way is the route he would go. He would not be someone that they could walk all over, and he'd put them in their place should they fall short of their duties.

His form slunk towards the bow, the scent of those gathered lingered in the air and he could hear the muttering of voices. What was even more intriguing, was the scent of blood freshly spilled and the outraged voice of a woman he didn't know. With his head high and and his stature tall, he stalked through the rather small crowd towards Arian. He eyed the woman that was aiding the fallen male, stopping on his other side as he looked at those gathered. It was pretty pathetic really...was this all she had? Or were the others just not trained well enough to come on command? Carrying on, he walked towards Arian as he gazed at her with an indecipherable look, stopping near her at the had of the pack. He turned to face the others, his form nearly still as he spoke to Arian. "They don't really seem to care for your authority...I see why a change is in order." He murmured, golden gaze cast towards each wolf in turn. There was someone he recognized, a grin widening as he looked at Xephyris. "Nice to see you again, Xephyris. I'd get a good seat if I were you."
