
Purifying Waves

Shilah I


6 Years
04-19-2014, 08:59 AM

Shilah smiled and nodded. He was pleased to see a familar face and to know that she was alive. It was always one thing he disliked about being a nomadic healer, once he set his patients on their way he rarely saw them again. It was an odd feeling to realize that they might pass on and he'd never know. "Yes, I'm an Eta field medic now. Trying to get used to pack life though I admit it isn't as easy as I thought." He laughed lightly as he voiced his concern. There was an ever growing doubt within him that this was what he wanted but he still felt he could learn much from Erani and her pack. Perhaps when winter fell he could ask if he could wander for a season and then return.

Shilah's smile faded into a look of concern as Twig spoke of some misfortune she'd suffered. It wasn't fair for such a thing to happen to a such a kind person but Shilah knew that life was very rarely fair, though it pained him all the same. "I'm sorry to hear that Miss Twig. I don't suppose there's anything I can do?" Shilah did not know the nature of her misfortune but he gathered that it had probably passed for she appeared to be in reasonable physical health. "Oh! Well, I'm glad you've found your family. I don't believe I've met them yet, I've been focusing on gathering and storing herbs for winter. What are they like?" Shilah felt a change of topic prudent unless she cared to divulge what had happened to her. It wasn't in his nature to pry unless he needed information on how best to heal a patient.
