
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



4 Years
08-06-2015, 02:28 AM

Occasional success was encountered with her attacks, surprising her that she could actually do something, despite having zero experience. Really, she had no tactics or plans; her only strategy was to make it all up as the fight carried on, though she dreaded every moment of it. Perhaps improvisation wasn't as bad as she had thought, until the tables began to turn. Her stomp landed just as planned, however, her opponent - the cunning thing - brought her right foreleg out of range, making Varda's bite land upon the female's lower left shoulder. Though it wasn't the foreleg that she had desired, a bite was better than none regardless of the position; and she had certainly inflicted some sort of wound. The thought briefly startled her; she was hurting someone, and that wasn't the Varda she knew inside out. No, she had to hurt them. They were invading her home and harming her family; she had every right to unleash her anger. Distracted with her thoughts, she clearly didn't see her opponent's left shoulder on a collision course towards her face, which rammed into her nose, startling her in the process. As a result, her nose felt oddly twisted, as if it had been shifted out of place, although, that was nothing compared to the severe bruise forming upon her nose, which stung on the inside with presumably blood. Following the impact, hackles bristled furiously with her lips curled into a snarl, scrunching her cheeks and protecting her teeth in the process, the last expression she ever expected to be upon her complexion. Instinctively, her jaws attempted to lunge out to grip the centre of her opponent's left exterior shoulder with as much force as she could summon, hopefully just in time before the female pulled it away from her face.

Before her opponent's left forefoot successfully pinned her own left forefoot, Varda quickly shifted two steps to her right before attempting to turn her body in a fluid two-hundred and seventy degrees rotation to her (Varda's left), slightly stepping forward in the process. The left side of her head would be alongside her opponent's right exterior shoulder with the rest of her body aligned straightly. Her weight redistributed upon her spaced-out limbs, which remained bent at the joint with her abdominal muscles unusually tightened and toes splayed, gripping the ground. Because of this, the female's jaws that aimed to shred the thin layer covering her forehead only happened to graze the skin upon her neck as she turned, though it was the least of her problematic injuries. Without a pause after the repositioning, she attempted to slam her left flank against her opponent's right exterior shoulder in the hopes of causing bruising or even making the smaller foe lose their balance. Whilst she did so, Varda's chin tucked, ears flattened and eyes narrowed as her jaws unhinged, seeking to grip her opponent's lower scruff and clamp down upon the area with as much force as possible. She'd do whatever it took to drive out these intruders.

Varda vs Warja for DOMINANCE
Round two of two
