
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)


08-06-2015, 08:22 AM

He had won. The man was bested, but was the battle over? No. Félicien was prepared for retaliation as his narrowed eyes scanned the crowd of those who still remained as bystanders. His hackles remained raised, his ears pinned flat against his skull. Head remained lowered, aligned with his spine, and chin tipped in towards himself. His eyes would settle on a dark furred man, one who he assumed would be his next opponent. His muscles were tense, his weight evenly distributed across his four legs. Claws would bite into the soil, toes and legs spread out over the earth. Finally his tail would remain raised as a banner behind him, aligned with his spine to assist with his balance in the coming battle.

Lips would snarl as the other began to seek to close the distance. Félicien would turn to face his opponent, spinning towards his own left in a tight circle so that he and the dark male were head on. He would throw his weight forward, aiming to meet the man with a slam into his body. Félicien would feel the bony part the other man’s right shoulder digging into his left forechest, about three inches away from the very center of his chest.

Félicien would also attempt to shift his own head to the left, to snag onto the man’s right side of his face. Top part of his jaw would seek to land above the man’s damaged eye while his lower jaw aimed to land onto the man’s upper cheek and sink in a hold. In doing so he hoped to prevent any bites from his opponent. [Attempted Counter For Vereux’s Bite].

Félicien vs Vereux For Dominance / Raid || Round:: I / II

Note:: To clarify Félicien is not going for a maim attempt on Vereux’s eye, but biting around it to try and temporarily blind / hold Vereux back from using his jaws.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen