
First of the Year [MEETING]



5 Years
Extra large
08-06-2015, 09:37 AM

Seraphim had been wandering farther afield than usual, and had nearly missed his father's call entirely. He had been following Angel's trail towards the plateau, several hours behind his brother's trek, just to see if he was capable in tracking him down, and had naturally become sidetracked. The large boy had been lounging about in the late spring sun, enjoying the way the wind whipped around him, and never mind the fact that it was a deafening roar. What did he had to listen for anyways? On chance, he saw a speck of blue far below racing through the grass. It was Angel! And boy-oh-boy was he flying. Phim's ears perked and he leapt to his feet, curious and concerned with whatever had caught his brother's attention.

While he couldn't overtake his lead, it was as easy thing to follow so fresh a trail. He crashed through the Range and it wasn't until the Orchard came into view that he noticed the growing freshness of scent. It hit him like a lightning bolt at long last that his father had called a meeting! The breath wooshed out of him in a relieved way, and he vowed to treat Angel to something nice as payment, even if his brother had only aided him unknowingly. Phim slowed to a stop and took a short moment to scratch out the biggest tangles and clumps in his long blue coat. This was a whole pack meeting after all and he couldn't look like a rat and shame Daddy! When he decided all was well, he pressed on.

There are a lot of wolves there already, and Phim beamed, the usual dosage of pride in his family flooding over him. Many of them he knew by scent but had never actually spoken to. It was nice to put faces to scent trails, so while making his way over to sit near Angelus he scanned the crowd. He saw that Vana had her hackles up and was moving on Rhythm like she was going to eat her, and he shook his head. Oh Evangeline! He hoped Daddy would step in before one of the girl's really got hurt. What really caught his attention was the small blue boy nearby, who seemed to be caught between his Mother and the brown woman his Daddy kept around. His jaw dropped and he gasped. He had heard Valentine was having another son but only in passing, he never thought... never suspected... Seraphim bounded forwards, oversized limbs eating up the space between them in a few short bounds.

The larger blue boy skidded to a halt behind Ashmedai, still a pup yet hardly newborn. He minced from side to side, tail arched high over his back and unable to hide his overwhelming excitement! His words were much too fast when he spoke. "Hi! I'm Seraphim! Are you Valentine's son? Because you look like us! And if you are that makes you my brother but I haven't even talked to you yet or taken you anywhere or shown you anything at all and that's so not okay!" At that point he really hoped he was correct in his assumption because if not that would be incredibly embarrassing. He wasn't even be upset (yet) that his siblings hadn't dragged him over to see the youth right away, he was just way too excited! The purpose of Valentine's call no longer mattered one whit in the face of this brand new discovery.

"Talk" "You" Think

Phim's family members are always allowed in his threads, whether specified or not!