
A single act or many



5 Years
08-06-2015, 10:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

There appeared to be an element of danger to this trip that Glacier had devised for them that Anais was sensing as he described the route they would need to take to get there. Across the ocean they would go, fighting a tide that was stronger than elsewhere even though the trek would be shortest where they would cross. She was nervous - she would have been a fool not to be! - but in the same breath she was still excited. This newest adventure of theirs was sure to be a challenge for the both of them, testing their ability to work with one another as well as their strength in the water. Anais hoped that all her mother's attempted training at making her daughter a skilled swimmer and fisher would help pay off now, despite acknowledging her lack of prowess at either. Glacier will be there, she assured herself, taking comfort in that. He would always keep her safe.

She nodded her head swiftly, repeating his statement with a smile. "Together." Knowing what was ahead of her, the golden brown wolf was eager to set off in search of this close by island, and her big, silver-eyed companion did not keep her waiting. He turned and began to lead the way from the cavern system, and Anais was right on his heels, hurrying so that she could fall into step beside him as she kept up with a bouncing, excited gait. A smile beamed from her face as she followed Glacier out of the caves and into the daylight, along the dark shoreline of the Obsidian Beach and toward the southern edge of their territory. She could not recall being out quite this far when she had done her own exploration of the beach, but she spotted the island even before the male beside her could point it out. It was clearly visible from the shoreline, and only now did she offer it an appreciate, curious stare.

As Glacier stopped upon the shoreline, Anais did too, glancing at him as he reached his head back and called out in his deep voice to his sister, Locha. Knowing the expert swimmer would be aware of where they were headed was a relief since it meant they had backup here at home should anything go wrong, but she had high expectations that things would go smoothly during their crossing. Once more she smiled and offered a wag of her tail in her eagerness as Glacier let his attention redirect to her and attempted to get her attention on their destination. Anais turned her head and danced a little on her paws as she spotted the island again, nodding her head as she continued to look out past the waves at the distant shoreline. "I see it," she assured him, wondering to herself exactly how much distance separated where she stood now and the beaches of the island. It hardly looked like that big of a swim, but the tides and undercurrents were stealthy adversaries. In a sudden show of her nervousness, she stepped a little closer to Glacier's side, reminding herself again that he would be there every part of the way.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.