
Exactly as I say



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-07-2015, 03:12 AM

The meeting had gone rather...interestingly. Causing a smile to plaster to his face as he wandered away afterwards. The tension was thick after his rather sudden appearance, unexpected by a landslide he assumed considering the reactions of those present. He wasn't quite sure if Arian was winning points from her pack mates about this whole ordeal, but it wasn't quite his concern. He'd ensure the pack would start doing what needed to be done, else punishment would be dealt. Though he didn't own them quite yet, he would soon and then things would take a sharp change for the future. The ghoul stalked quietly, checking out the lands he remembered when they were taken by Isardis a year or so ago. Perhaps longer, he couldn't quite remember nor did he care to. Amber gaze took in every landmark he saw, the territory cloaked in the scent of the pack he now resided in. He wasn't one to entirely follow, he preferred to lead but as it was, he would allow Arian some reign over him, but it had been made clear that he couldn't be entirely controlled.

It was then as silent steps brought him near the veined banks of the dried marble bed. Though it was stunning with the light and snow that reflected off of it, he wasn't here to really sight see. He simply wanted to know what would belong to him in the near future, or at least make sure the borders were secure and to view all angles should someone decide to attack them. Taking a deep breath, he paused as he scented the air. His nostrils flared as he detected a somewhat recognizable scent, one that belonged to someone who had been at the meeting. Someone that could be quite interesting, he was sure. With a slight smirk pulling onto his lips, he started again. This time, his course directed to the source of the somewhat familiar. Soon, he found the hulking figure of the woman who had been eyeing him at the meeting as he sat near Arian. Arietta at his side, had seemed to get tense...he sensed it as well as saw it when he looked at her from the corner of his eye. It was rather...cute of her. Though he loved Arietta in some form, he remained polygamous. Unable to remain in just one relationship, though he couldn't really call the other girls he did relationships...they were tools for the most part, though Arietta was the only one he didn't consider a tool. Which...was odd for him.

"You seem perturbed. Surely you weren't surprised by all this, were you? An alpha like Arian lets her plans known to those close to her, does she not?" A satirical smile lifting the corner of his lips as he looked at her. He wasn't clear on her name yet, though everyone now knew who he was. Would be a waste not to get to know those, or rather, figure out those within the pack worth keeping. "I don't believe we've formally introduced ourselves, though I'm sure you know about me already...but I'll introduce myself a little more formally this time." He looked at her, standing a few feet from her as he offered a somewhat mock bow. Eyes meeting hers as the grin kept on his face. "My name is Sin Hellstrom. Pleasure."
