
Exactly as I say



5 Years
Dire wolf
08-07-2015, 04:13 AM

Things hardly perturbed her as he would say. The male wouldn't get the jump on her, as her head raised. Her gray eyes would widen slightly, well, now that was an interesting notion. Had Arian told him that? Of course Amachi knew all of her plans, she was the one in the first place who had suggested Arian find a new way to make them all safe. Of course she hadn't thought she would go this far as to do this. It was funny how simple words could make such a smart wolf change her view on something. As Sin spoke, her tongue would be tied to the cavity of her mouth. She had a hard time believing he had anything but bad intention for them. However, she never judged. Nothing surprised her anymore, death and destruction. Perhaps her own mind however was the most interesting to many. She distanced herself from packs, and other wolves because she was simply out of the box.

After he introduced himself, Amachi would come to stand. As she did on most occasions she towered over him. Avalon came close to her height but Amachi took the cake when it came to size. Most of her body was covered in thick amounts of fur. So much it nearly made her look overweight. However underneath that even still was muscle, she was built and bread for fighting as she always had. The last and previous king had used her as a fighting tool, perhaps that was what was underneath that mind of hers. Sin, perfect. "Amachi Mackury, likewise." Curiosity did get the best of her at times.

"I already knew, I was the one who suggested a change." Amachi would answer simply. She just didn't like being in such a large group of wolves for a long amount of time without doing anything. Her gray eyes would look over Sin for a moment yet she still found herself stuck for words to say to him. Nothing came to mind, not even a single question. It was simply..... being here next to him.


[Image: 11ludc3.png]