
The Rhythm of the World



04-08-2013, 12:54 PM

OOC: You are fine darling <3 No need to apologize, for Alacritis does not run on a posting order, so you have done no wrong <3

A smile would remain pressed to the king?s lips and he would wait, in completely patience, for the effeminate creature to give him the answer he had come asking her for. He was not pressuring her into anything, not demanding, no none of the aforementioned, here merely stood before her as yet another gentleman offering his pack as a home to her. She could refuse and he would go on his way, for Valhalla was, sadly, not to its once great stature, but fact of the matter was, the wolves it had within? it held tighter bonds than anyone else could. A single denial would not weigh heavily on him, it just meant that Valhalla was not in her future, her destiny. All of which he understood, accepted, and admired.

Her posture would lower towards him in submission and the canid would press his ears back against his head, taking a step away from her, and his skull would shake side to side slowly. ?None of that, dear" His words were subtle, asking, and honest. He never had much need for his ?subordinates? to truly be subordinates. He was not above them, no, he merely presented a path to them where they had none. Protected them and offered his life for them when no other would. Yes, Valhalla was a land that fell captive to its virtues, honesty, and purity, but that was only a tidbit of them. They were as fierce as they were loving.

Her name crossed his ears and a pleased expression crossed his features, the large man would move to sit, muscular thighs pressing against the Earth, and a gentle look remaining in his visage, ?What are you doing on the battlefield, miss Balarine? This place can be rather violent,? Too many times had Collision had to interfere with a forced claim upon a young woman. He would not stand for others interfering in what one wished their life to become, and especially, when they were incapable of fighting for themselves, he would intervene. He was, after all, a man of honor and would fall captive to being nothing less than exactly that regardless of the circumstances, enemies, and loss that came with it.

The other white male would remain in silence for the moment as Collision took the opportunity to get to know the white princess before him. A firm look of concern had consumed his features upon giving her the information he had been wishing to inform her of, but truth be told, he had to make sure no others were lost out here with her, ?Do you have children? A husband? Are they lost in this place?? Care was an evident feature that became him, for his concern was cleanly written and taut muscle would tighten beneath his skin in readiness to go forth and save anyone who may have needed saving. Always the hero, wasn't he?