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6 Years
08-07-2015, 03:33 PM
Voltage was never not nearby lately. He could tell the signs, knew that Gaia was getting close and there wasn't a hope in hell that would get Voltage too far away from her. But that didn't mean he spent every second in the den, he couldn't. As much as he wanted to always be by her side he physically couldn't. Voltage had too much energy, especially now with his babies on the way. He had to move, had to expend it or he'd feel like the was exploading. It was something he knew very well, something he had a lot of experiance with, his ample energy. So that's what he was doing, pacing and trotting and moving along the beach to try and expend his energy. Every time he passed the den he'd poke his head in to check on his love, before trotting off, bolting and running and trying to just calm down, which everyone knew was damn near impossible. Any Elementas that watched him would know somethings up. If it were any other day he'd be off to the battlefield to get rid of this energy, or run with gale, or even try and get into a mental match with Solaris or Terrae. It was difficult, now, with him pacing before the den, to get rid of his energy. Any day now, any day.

So the moment he heard Gaia's call he spun, wincing slightly on his hurt leg as he bolted towards the den, diving in. "What's wrong?" He whispered, his breath coming out in quick pants due more to excitement than exhaustion. He circled around her slightly then, looking at her belly and searching for anything out of the ordinary, or at least from what he had learned. "Should I call Terrae?" He asked, his soft voice coming out in a rush. As much as he adored Orchid's knowledge, he wanted his brother to have this experience.

"Burn Baby Burn"