
The Essence of Life


08-07-2015, 03:53 PM
Character Applying For: Eevee

Name: Nope

Appearance: Eevee is the smallest of his family, at only 28 inches when he gets to be a year old. Right now, his fur is fluffy and cottony, never really changing and making him look bigger than he really is. To the touch, his fur is soft and cottony, softer than what one would expect from the fur of a pup his age. Although it can be clean, mainly the little male is absolutely covered in mud and twigs, his fur matted and tangled from his adventures. As a pup, and even when he becomes an adult, Eevee will not be one for fighting, built for speed rather than anything else like fighting. The small male will look like a female, all lithe form and beautiful features. His voice does not help matters, either, his voice soft and seemingly delicate.

Eevee does not have the vibrant colors of his siblings, his base coat being a beautiful light brown that only one other color keeps from making him purely light brown. The color is a light cream, wrapping around his neck and creating a fluffy coat of fur. The only other cream marking on him is the tip of his fluffy tail, almost highlighting his fur. The last color he has on him is a dark chocolate brown, coloring the insides of his ears.

Eevee's gaze isn't the most bright against his fur, a dark brown only a few shades darker than his light base color. If one looks close enough, however, they can see the flecks of different colors in his eyes; grass green, light hazel, and some darker colors of browns as well. Really, the tiny boy is quite handsome.

Personality: Eevee, the youngest of his family, is extremely loyal to them as well. His family is all he knows, all he will really ever know. If another of his family makes a decision for themselves he will try and support them the best he can. If any of his family is upset, the male will try his very best to cheer them up, never leaving their side until they are happy again. He loves seeing his family happy and healthy, and hates the fact that some of them may end up fighting other wolves. Instead of going out and making new friends, Eevee stays with his family. After all, to the youngest member of the family, old friends can be trusted more than new friends. Old friends are ones he knows better, ones he can trust. They will hide any 'secret' he has. And the pup would put his family before any new friends.

If a new wolf is met by the family, Eevee will most likely be the last to greet them. To strangers, he is extremely shy, rarely saying a word to them. While the conversation between the others and his family goes on, he will most likely hide behind one's leg and stare up at the stranger. Eevee may get friendlier around strangers as he gets older. But right now, they will get the silent treatment from him. Eevee's nature itself is an innocent one, the pup going through life without really knowing of the real danger he could get in. Even as an adult, he will be quite innocent, hidden away from the world. Because of his innocence, he likes to believe that maybe someday he could be friends with the legends he has been raised to believe. Danger is nonexistent. The male will float through life with only happiness all his life, unless something bad happens.

Eevee wants to be a healer, to help any wolf he can.
-Loves looking for herbs and helping heal

-Is already extremely intelligent
-As an adult, afraid of blood and fighting

-Has no plans to learn how to fight
-Not easily tricked

Plans: Make some friends, have wolves be confused by his name, be mistaken for a female, and probably be the healer of the family.

RP Sample: