
Sin x Ylva baby!!



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-07-2015, 06:53 PM
Sin has been bad, and as a result he's having more babies >:3

Only One is available since we got two free pups. Esperanza is taking one and I Might take one...haven't completely decided yet. But chances are I'm gonna end up doing it, so for now only one pup. An extra pup pass will have to be purchased, which I am willing to buy c:

Some info about the parents:

Sin Isn't the nicest guy around. His coat is pure white with markings of his enemies blood staining his coat. His family lineage has different variations of color which include Albino, Melanism, slate blues/grays, cobalt-ish blue hues, white, black, silvers, russets. Eye colors vary as well. Heterochromia isn't common in his lines so far, but amber, green, blue, purple, silver, red are ok.

Ylva Is also on the darker side. Colors running along her lines are blacks and grays, possibly white. Eye colors also vary. Her eyes are mint green while her brothers are yellow. Insanity also seems to run on her family lines, considering her brother Diablo has no sense of morality and is quite the insane creature. So flaring aggressive issues may also be considered.

Names that Esper likes:
Girls: Eris, Coli, Duranie.
Boys: Recture, Randulfr, Mekiah, Blaine.

Names that I like:
Girls: Apollonia, Lust, Elvira, Gladys, Morven, Regan, Úna, Zorah
Boys: Amarion, Amon, Barrett, Wrath, Greed, Pride, Sloth, Ōkui(Gluttony), Cyrus, Draven.

You are welcome to choose your own name as well!

Most likely alignments will fall towards Evil, so Neutral to lawful evil. Though development is expected. Also the family will be pretty close, especially since Sin likes to keep an eye on his prodigies and make sure his blood lines are the strongest. *cough

Available Designs:
Made by Esper
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Design 4

I will add my own designs later c: Also feel free to make your own!

Pups are born on August 30th!!! So the applicant will be chosen ONE week prior.

[b]OC Name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] -- Hellstrom
[b]Appearance:[/b] Site Minimum
[b]Personality:[/b] Site minimum
[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b] 150 words.

Please note that Esper & I have the right to take back the character at any time, no matter age, etc. should it fall inactive or not posting at least once a week. If this requirement isn't met and there is no posting for a month, we will take it back. We'd rather not have to do that, but in the event it does this warning serves as proof.