
tiptoe higher



3 Years
08-08-2015, 04:29 AM" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#0c0909">
Ixionn wasn't alone for long. When the foreign aroma hit him, he whipped his head around, only to see a massive stranger. He was mostly made up of grey tones, but shades of maroon were also topped along his ears, legs, tail, etc. But the most interesting part about this stranger was his tusks, that seemed to stretch downward from the lower jaw. Ixionn's throat swelled, and he felt his muscles grow stiff. It was only until the man spoke to him, in a strong, foreign accent, did he relax.

"I do indeed," He responded, attempting to equal out their height difference by raising his head, but it hardly worked. Ixionn snorted and stood to his paws. He'd start readying himself, but the stranger was welcome to make the first move. "and you, my friend, may start this fight." He finished, sending the man a weak smile before stepping back and beginning to slide into his defense posture. First things first. He bent his knees, distributing weight to each of his four paws in order to maintain balance where he stood. His head and his tail moved to align with his spine, however, his tail was ready to shoot downward at any moment.

The man tucked his chin to protect his throat, rolling his shoulders to bunch the fur around the neck and blade area. It was only then that he outstretched his toes into the dirt, tightened his abdomen, widened his stance just a bit more, pinned his ears to his head, and rose his hackles. Narrowing his eyes toward the multicolored stranger, he nodded slowly, signaling to him that he may start whenever he was ready.

"Burn Baby Burn"