
even if the morrow is barren of promise


04-08-2013, 02:02 PM

The pack that Newt described was one that she seemed to be proud of. Not that he blamed her. It sounded like a good home for a wolf. A place where all would be welcomed. And though it seemed like a pack of killers, the pack that Newt spoke of was a family more than anything. Ears twitching slightly, he listened to her words with a solemnity, navy eyes focused on her like she was the only thing in the world. "Those are noble goals," Lovatt mused softly, "And it sounds like a good home." That it did. Though Lovatt wasn't entirely sure that it would be for everyone, it was . . . interesting. Certainly a possibility. Though if Lovatt was choosing a place for a family, then it might not be the best place.

Her words were perhaps more comforting than she would realize. After all, Lovatt may not have been the most broken, but he was far from whole. His family had been ripped away from him in a bloodbath. And this female speaking of caring for all of her members, and of being a broken thing herself, well, it had a nice ring to it. The brown male's ears twitched as he listened to her, inclining his head slightly. "When your pack is more than a hundred wolves, you may regret saying that." Here, Lovatt found himself teasing slightly, a friendly tone filling his previously solemn voice. It seemed that rediscovering the last fragments of his family had done him some good; it had left him with a little bit less of that heavy solemnity that had ruled his thoughts and words for so long.

But joking was still an unfamiliar thing to the large wolf, and he found himself slipping into serious tones once more when he replied. "I lost my family long ago," The male shrugged slightly, "And I have found a few fragments of it, but it's still a lonely life. I think . . . That I am seeking a pack for us to join, perhaps. A place where my family could become large once more." The male's words were thoughtful, "I have two who wait for me." He added a moment later, flicking his ears as he examined the large female before her.

If what she said was true, if the home that she spoke of was true, then it was an enticing possibility. A place where all would be taken care of was a welcome thought to a wolf who had spent years taking care of himself. Since his father died, he had been alone. Only a short while had wolves come into his life again, and Lovatt found himself enjoying the company more than he would have thought possible while he was alone. Wolves were social creatures, after all. They were not made to spend seasons upon seasons alone.
