
The morning has come



4 Years
08-08-2015, 09:42 AM

The morning night was still carrying on despite being much too early in the morning for Nona to be up after having comfortably laid down. Quickly she would roll to her feet and let out a sharp cry of pain. Nona would only be able to get a short sentence out between another cry of pain as she would feel the contractions hit harder and harder, "Allen... get up Allen!". The dark brown fae would let out another cry and almost naturally she would try to push without thinking. Nothing came this bout but and she had no clue how long this would last. Nona wanted Allen to be awake to be there for her more than ever now despite him being in the same den as her.

She would take in a deep breath or at least try to do so without letting out whine. Hopefully Allen would wake up and aid her after all he was her mate. This would be the beginning of a painful but hopefully worthwhile morning. Again the contractions picked up again as she felt the need to push a second time. Only time could tell when Allen may wake to her cries and the sounds other various sounds she would make as she would push trying to mitigate what she was feeling as to hold on to stay awake. Very soon new life was to be brought into the world after this was all over... her own pups that Nona and Allen would welcome into the world together.

OoC: Anyone in the pack is free to join the thread but please let Allen (Keno) post first before joining in thank you

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-