
Gotta Get Up and GO!


08-08-2015, 10:35 AM

Starting to actually recognize the unfamiliar scents that entered his home, Amarant would instantly, but calmly go towards the smell of anything new. He was out on a walk around the willows, as he did most the time when he kept himself in here. He never felt threatened by the presence of another wolf but he could sure show an attitude if they provoked him.

He would gently walk towards the new scent, eyes lazily looking through the trunks. And eventually, he would see her. She was at least as old as he was, but she was a little taller than the brute. He admired how her pelt was a full color, not even Eirik was all white or all grey. He was standing a distance behind her, watching as she swayed and could hear a faint humming coming from around her.

Amarant didn't have much of a personal space kind of mind. He never understood why some wolves felt threatened by him, he trusted everyone after all. He would start to make his way toward her, coming around the right of her with a tilt on his chin before speaking, "That's a nice little dance you got there." His joking tone left a friendly grin on his maw. He hadn't seen someone so happy and at peace in quite sometime.

Walk "Talk" Think