
Problems - Open



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-08-2013, 02:56 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2013, 02:58 PM by Epiphron.)

There was little time for her to react further. It seemed as her sister's return had been noticed by others, her scent ringing like a siren across the land. Her name fell the russet girl's lips with visible effort. If Epiphron had expected joy in their reunion, she would've been sorely disappointed in the blank gaze she received instead. But she had expected nothing at all, and her sister's inexpressive fa?ade spoke worlds more than she could've vocalized. Eos had never been a creature of many words, as far as the girl remembered, and why would she expect anything of her now? Epiphron and Chrysanthe had embraced as the dearest of friends, but Epiphron stood tall and faced her sister in utter silence.

Cairo's arrival broke the lull that had settled between them. Still the princess would look on, her piercing sapphire gaze searching Eos for answers she assumed she would never find. The girl's strength seemed to shatter instantly as Cairo took her in a loving embrace, and she watched the scenario with a wary mind.

The uncomfortable posture she had assumed without realizing faded, as Chrysanthe joined the group and took a seat near her. As the days went on, Epiphron grew less envious of the red-faced girl. Perhaps her mind was simply too distracted with other things -- such as Maverick -- that she didn't have time to dwell on her sister's superior position. And as the days went on, she found herself growing more appreciative of the constant support of the other female. Around her, she didn't need to pretend to be something she wasn't, didn't need to impress the female she had grown up with. It was easy and comfortable and reassuring to have one constant in her life.

There was no hesitation as she returned the slight contact, leaning back slightly into Chrys and nudging her gently. Epiphron was as confused as Chrysanthe... what was Eos talking about? How could Erani be blamed for anything, let alone hated? The female was the epitome of perfection.

"Things have to get worse before they get better," she spoke in soft tones, nudging her sister's neck gently.