
The Rhythm of the World


04-09-2013, 12:53 PM

Ooc; my bad for the wait and the shortness! D:

Things were going positively swimmingly that is.. they were until the Valhallan strutted onto the scene. An almost reproachful glance was given, but he resisted and instead plastered something innocent and docile upon his mask before turning it to the man. Marvel, he would retort just after the lady's own title, finding it to be befitting her beauty. An instant mug of jealousy would crowd his features, threatening to take over as the man seemed so honestly concerned for the lass. Would this imperator seek to take what Marvel already considered as his quarry? The Agua certainly hoped not. I was just informing her of the dangers of this place, but I'm certain it would benefit us all to hear it again. Words were innocent and keenly spoken, set to neither disrupt nor disregard anyone, though it was plain he was fighting for his right to stay in the conversation. Imperator is a fancy title, ser, would you mind translating that? All packs had their own way of doing things, and their own names for those things.. Marvel was curious to whom he was referring. Ears would pique with interest as he turned to the lady and awaited her response to the man's query.
