
I was looking for a breath of Life.


08-08-2015, 07:20 PM

A silent hush hung in the air of the eastern water front, the only noise that touched the atmosphere was the gentle pitter patter of the frozen spring rain that washed over the still half frozen earth. The rapids were elevated, the mixture of rain and the bitter wind that gripped at it had the waves rolling in an almost angry fashion. This was enough to keep all souls at bay, small animals awakening and birds returning from their southern haven all expecting spring warmth were all nestled tightly in their trees and the larger game and animals curled tightly, attempting the retain what body warmth they had.

Yet, the midnight figure that sat in silence at the water's edge, seemingly fascinated in the patterns of the swirling water only let the slightest tremble run across her lithe body. Weary travel painted across her delicate and bony facial features, but there was little time for rest. One's security in life was in which the life they chose, and whispers amoung the trees had led Saint to the Abaven's borders and she intended on securing her life on these borders. While she would have preferred the life of that being alone, she had little worth to herself, what use would her desire to work be to herself? No, sometimes a sacrifice in the form of slight companionship which she would find in a pack was worth the purpose, and the drive to work. Otherwise, she might as well consider herself an enemy in her own head, past memories and words would flit in and out and slowly tear away at her sanity, and that simply would not be.

Standing, her limber legs led her into a stretch that shook her whole body into awakening, and while her heart rate began to escalate, and anxiety seeped through her veins, a gambler's face stayed upon her. Nervous actions would get her no where near where she wanted to be, and a cool façade would be best served in this moment. With a sharp intake of breath, she tilted her head back and with her exquisite sing-song voice, a howl rang across the lands, calling for a leader. This was not be to her first allegiance somewhere, but Saint intended for it to be her last.

"It's a melody."