
Locking this place down



5 Years
08-09-2015, 12:26 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

For all the bravado the kid had, he seemed to calm down rather quickly. Maybe it was all for show, but Gale thought he had done a pretty good job of deterring potential dangers from trying to take a piece out of him. As it was, she still kept her distance and eyed him with a certain level of caution, not only for his comfort but her own as well. He was a lone pup and while she thought she could handle herself in a fight if it came down to it - how experienced could a kid possibly be in a fight? - if either of his parents happened to be nearby and they saw her near him she was sure they would have gotten defensive over the well being of their little boy. And in no way was she ready or willing to go up against a protective parent defending their young. That would have been a death sentence.

As he appeared to brighten up, losing his distrustful, silent snarl for a look that she could only think to describe as excited, he did not seem quite so bad. Of course, she still had no experience with children and was unsure what "bad" technically looked like, but this one seemed nice enough. He was a kid, she reminded herself, and his thoughts certainly would not work like her own, but at least he seemed to be on the same page as her regarding his parents. He, too, wanted to find them, and was even smart enough to offer her a location to search for them in. Though as she heard it her surprise only grew tenfold.

"Sonticus?" she repeated, surprise evident within her voice as her looked mirrored it. But that was all the way in the north, in the snow, just like he had said. That was a very long ways away. How did he managed to get here? Though she could not understand it - it was seriously a long trip for a little pup to have taken all on his own - Gale was at least glad to know what it was he spoke of. "I've heard of that place," she added with a firm nod, "Haven't been there, but I hear there's a lot of snow, like you said." It still baffled her how he could have ended up all the way in south, skittering about near the edge of her pack's territory, but that was beside the point now. And because she could not quite help herself, Gale asked with great curiosity, "How did you end up here?"
