
A single act or many



5 Years
08-09-2015, 12:41 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

A little nervous chuckle slipped through her lips as Glacier reached down to nuzzle her, and as much to reassure him as it was to reassure herself Anais nuzzled him back. If it had been walking across the entire continent she would have felt less nervous than she did now. It was only because of the unknowns of the water that she felt nervous at all, though nothing was going to make her change her mind. Already she was thinking of what they might find on the beach, what they might find inland, how much fun getting to explore the place would be with her big blue protector at her side. Even as the butterflies took flight in her stomach, Anais grinned. This was just another challenge to overcome, and she would do it the same as she had all the others behind her.

He asked if she was ready, but even before she could nod her answer he was moving. Without hesitation, the golden brown wolf stepped after him, allowing her attention to shift from him and toward the water that they would be entering with a serious, focused stare. She drew in a breath and released it slowly as they approached the water, and watched it wrapped up and around her paw with the first step. It was not cold, or at least not exactly, and for that she was glad. Getting that shock of cold water to her system on top of needing to swim all the way to an island through water that she had no idea she would be able to navigate surely would have been an entirely bad idea. This way, at least, she had one less thing working against her.

And one more thinking working for her. Though easily could have left her behind, Glacier hung back, matching his stride to her own as he entered the water with her. Her attention remained fixed on the ocean's waters as she entered, but she was still conscious of him there, and got the reminder she needed to acknowledge him as his tail slapped some of the water toward her, in an arch that just perfectly captured her head. It was more from surprise that she gasped, almost stopped, and turned her attention toward him with an open mouthed stare to see him grinning back at her. Quickly Anais shook her head, driving as much of the water from her face as she could, and determined to pay him back for the playful gesture, she took a hurried few steps after him.

Only as she did, she felt the soft, pliant sands beneath her feet give way and her body suddenly became buoyed by the water. A little sliver of panic went through her mind at the suddenness of the ground disappearing out from under her paws, but instinctively she began to paddle through the water, and with another nervous chuckle and a reassuring smile Anais began to swim alongside her longer-legged companion.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.