
A single act or many



6 Years
Extra large
08-09-2015, 03:02 AM
The moment the ground fell away beneath her and she was forced to swim, Glacier would be there beside her. Not that he had been more then a step away from her regardless, but this better lent her his support if she needed it. For him, the tiring part of swimming was yet to begin. The ground had fallen away suddenly but he could still touch the ground - just, with just his head free from the surface, but his back was only shallowly under if she desired support. Of course, the next dip in the earth would definitely take away his own footing. He could already see the island more clearly however and knew the swim would not be a long one. He began to take each step more careful, watching out for where the tides crossed and the pull would be felt for them.

Only a few steps more and he would begin to feel a tug, only gently for him who had a sure footing on the earth, but he leaned closer to anais, keeping her close enough to grab if he thought for even a second that she needed it. His inner belief was always to let people find their own way - but only to as certain extent, he would take on any danger for his beloved and his family, even if there where many lessons in life they could only learn for themselves. Not that this was meant to be a danger, only as challanging adventure. "How you doing? " he asked gently, keeping his head clear of the water as he spoke - he already had enough of a salty taste in his mouth just from being near the ocean. The water was also definitely more cooler here, through it had helped they had eased into it from a warmer side. Not that the cold bothered him mind you - it was rla refreshing change from the beaches heat. In that moment he would lose his own footing and he sound of his paws digging through the water would be more noticeable then anais's own. His strokes through the water where strong and sure, if held back to ensure he never strayed from anais's side. He could definitely feel the pull of the undercurrents now, a gentle tug for the moment, tempting him to move off alignment from the straight-cut path to the island. He defied it, ensure he stood a steady becon for anais to guide the quickest way to shore.