
with the hounds of hell

Mercy I


5 Years

08-09-2015, 09:39 AM

Still she did not move as she just waited for the other to show up, her long tail waving slowly behind her. In the darkness the tangle of roots was more of an issue, she didn't want to be looking down when there could be something lurking in the darkness. Mercy was always on alert, it was the fighter in her that never really allowed her to focus when she was somewhere unfamiliar. She did not hear his muted whisper, but soon enough the sound of paws hitting the earth caused her ears to quiver. Purple gaze scanned the area in front of her. narrowing slightly as she tried to pick up who was there. His second words she caught, lips twitching in a threat of a snarl when he said that she smelled like a swamp. She did not stink, thank you very much. Wait, did she. Pausing, the dame turned her head and sniffed at her coat. Well okay, maybe she did smell like a wet wolf. But still! Rather insulting to hear a stranger tell you that you smelled. It took her a moment to find his form, seemingly frozen in place. The brute seemed very much wary of her, and Mercy shrugged her shoulders. She was pretty intimidating, after all.

Mercy had to admit that he was an interesting looking creature, from what she could see from her position anyways. Patches of light and dark brown adorned his coat in a complex fashion, the main base of white under it. Head tilted slightly as she studied him, but she blinked at him when his next set of words reached her. Mercy couldn't help but let out a giggle, her head shaking slowly from side to side. "No, I am not a swamp creature. I am a wolf, just like you. Just a tad... wet," she said, feeling very much like she was speaking to a child. Careful not to move and startle the kiddish being, she just eyed him from her place. Ever so slowly she folded herself to her rump, long white tail curling about her. "and no, I won't eat you. Wolves don't taste very good, or so I have heard. My name is Mercy, by the way." The girl said simply. It was hard to explain the feeling that she got about him, but it wasn't hard for her to tell that perhaps this wolf had a few loose wires. He was obviously an adult from his size and stature, and yet he spoke very much like a young whelp. Mercy wasn't sure if that was all that was off about this speckled fella, and it left her feeling slightly wary of him. "Will you eat me?" Mercy tossed in for good measure, a hint of a teasing tone stirred in her vocals.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.