


08-09-2015, 05:19 PM

At last...he'd made it. Drenched in the blanket of dark mud from his little adventure, his pelt was sticky and at odd angles. He truly did look deranged, if not already noted from the look in his eyes. Heavy pawsteps carried him down into the darkness of the world that lived below the surface. Cold amber eyes flickered about the scenery, his giggles and laughter echoing all around him. His whispered words towards himself bounced off the walls, little creatures scurried to hide from the man that exuded nothing but insanity. His head twitched once in a while, his left ear flopped against his head with a dull thwack each time he shook with the exhilaration at what he might find. Would he stumble upon a tasty morsel? Perhaps someone looking to save their fur? Or maybe he'd even run into his dearest, he couldn't remember exactly when he'd seen her last. The inseparable pair had been ironically separated by a cruel hand of fate. No matter, he'd survived this long. Kept himself entertained with his antics.

Delirious from lack of water, and also lack of...a sane mind, he crawled further into the pits of Hells' River. Eyes flickering at all sides as the heat slowly baked the left side of his body. He walked along the edges, gaze now turned towards the burning fire. What was it like to touch it? What would it look and feel like if someone were unfortunate enough to fall in? How long would it take to sizzle down to nothing? Maybe...he'd bring someone here someday to slowly roast them alive. The thought brought a creepily wicked grin to his face, "Bottom's up...Hahahahahehehehuhuhu" His laughter echoed throughout the cavern, a would be chilling sound if there was anyone around to here it.
