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02-03-2013, 03:13 PM
OOC Name: Dione
How did you get here?: Was on old site?
Age: 20
PvP: Realistic

Character's Name: Tarkein Zara Lentajin
Age: 4 years
Season of birth: Summer
Size: 42" & 200lbs
Appearance description:Zara's no runt anymore. She's surpassed all her siblings in height and weight and by constantly moving she's built up a considerable amount of muscle mass. Obviously taking care of herself has done some good because for the longest time she was really small. She eats well and is a skilled tracker and hunter. As a pup she was scrawny, thin but tall with a black coat minus a white chin, stomach, her left foreleg and her tail. Now she's large, bigger then most females her age (at least the ones she's run into) and strong. She fast as a rabbit and stealthy and though she's muscular she isn't buff or anything.

Now she's almost pure black with silver wisps around her eye and a silver dipped tail. On the back of her neck she has really fluffy fur so she barely feels anything through it. On her shoulders and flanks her fur is also thick, not as thick as the back of her neck but still pretty thick, even in the warm weather so it's obvious that shes going to be hot in the summer with her black, thick fur. But the thing that's the most memorable about Zara is her milky white eyes. Yes, she looks blind but she actually she can see, well, she doesn't know it but her vision isn't as good as most people's. But like her mother her other senses are more heightened then most wolves. Not creepily high like her mother but still higher then the average wolf's.


Bite on her left front paw from a giant lizard in the outs
Scar along her right hip
Smaller scar on her chest
Lines down her hind left leg from stepping through the ice.
Left ear is half ripped off
Right ear is torn down the middle
Right side of her face is scarred up so it looks like she's always smiling
Tail is bent at a 90 degree angle from being broken and healing that way