
Do you have what it takes? ; Healer Training

Orchid I


5 Years
08-09-2015, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2015, 05:52 PM by Orchid I.)

Terrae would be the first to turn up for their healer training, and he had no doubts at all as to why she had called him, pointing out that he would enjoy the session. She smiled at the boy, her eyes already glancing over to her test subject, clear amusement in her eyes. Well she had respect for Alphas, she did enjoy to tease them the most, and what better way then making him their healer play-thing? Lior would appear next, she had always found the girl to be pleasant, sweet and quite through they hadn't interacted much. She could see why she might turn to healing, but she would have to find a firmness in her if she was to excel at the art. When one was a healer one had to be strong enough to boss around Alpha's and reluctant patients.

She smiled at Lior, and nodded at Voltage when he told her she was ready. “Thank you, test subject number one” she replied easily. “Alright, first of all I want you both to assess Voltage here, he has a few old injuries I want you to identify them, tell me what you would have done to fix them well they where fresh and what you will do now that they have been left this long untreated, to speed up their healing and ensure they are healing correctly” She frowned at Voltage when she said this – she well knew he hadn't had anyone look him over after his sparring. [b] “Chose a side each and take turns to pick out a wound to tell me about, please” she said, nodding at the young students, and looking over at Voltage. He was laying down on his stomach and her new students would have to poke and prod at him a little to find all his hurts. That was a good thing too – she would get to see their confidence in examining an Alpha patient.
