
Light of My Life



7 Years

08-09-2015, 09:09 PM
Lillie stayed vigilante near Vail, making sure the pup stayed behind her mother and with the group, not that little Vail wold purposefully wander off anyways. Her tail beat the air as she skipped alongside Motif, grinning all the while. Hot water. Oooh, that would be nice. So so very nice. She was so excited, and she hoped that Vail would like it as much as she knew herself would.

As she stepped into the cave, she breathed in deeply, already feeling the relaxation of the steam. It was odd, this steam smell. While she loved the crisp coolness of air, she found she also like this air, breathing it in happily. It was a humid air, but it was acceptable due to the fact there would be water. And warmth. If she wanted the coolness, she just had to step outside and breathe the crispness.

As is, she slid into the water right with Motif as the mother encouraged her daughter. Lillie laughed at Vail's reaction - it was so cute! She herself loved the way the warm water felt on her skin. It wasn't scalding, it didn't hurt, but oh was it so warm. "Come in," she encouraged Vail, wading towards the pup. It got deeper the further you went in, but at a height where Vail could stand, Lillie could sit and immerse her whole body. "It feels really nice, and you can stand in it," she added to the ivory and peach colored girl. She wanted to splash around, but she knew Vail wouldn't like that: after all, it had been that splashing and whatnot that made her afraid of the water in the first place, nevermind that Vail probably had already put the exact incident far out of her mind. Either way, she hoped this would ease the fears of her friend.

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.