
Hey Kid, Want Some Candy?


08-09-2015, 11:35 PM

The reaper had high tailed it from the caverns beneath the earth as soon as he'd finished catching up with his sister. She had told him to follow her to this man...a man who Diablo did not know, but if his sister trusted the other male then Diablo could trust him too. He didn't entirely think about decisions on his own, his sister usually told him what to do, but this time he wasn't inclined to joining up with a pack right off the bat. He had just gotten to these lands! He wanted to explore and see who there was around here he could munch on...figuratively, of course. Crazed viper gaze scanned the undergrowth as he loped into the forest. It was cold and chilly here, the air outside this lifeless place warmer, but in here it chilled his bones and that's the way he liked it. His lumbering gait was quite the racket, the beast not caring about the sound he produced as he trotted along. Head twitched now and then as he gazed at each different path, some scents lingering about while others were stale. He hoped he'd find someone soon, otherwise he'd have to label this place boring when it looked oh so fun.
