
Maybe it's all part of a plan



3 Years
Extra large
08-10-2015, 12:50 AM
A giggle bubbled from her as their prey moved to stand, stuttering like a little lost child. "Hi" She sang, her jaws clicking at the end of her word as she giggled, glancing back towards her brother as he moved from her. A small part of her wanted to move with him, to flow after him like she always had, but this was the game. She watched with a giddy happiness as her brother circled their new found prey, her easy smile forever on her lips. She was quiet as he spoke, merely giggling at the thought of anyone higher than them existing. He would stand behind their new little doll, his massive form looming over hers, and Ros felt herself grow more giddy. This was the most excellent little treat. She stepped forward, light on her paws as she did. Chin would tip down as she gazed at the girl, eyes darkening dangerously. "We are gods. Honestly, where's your manners. You should bow to us." She purred softly, standing directly infront of her now if she hadn't moved (though, where would she move too?) For a moment she was silent, breathing in the air around the girl. She smelt of herself, and no one else. Alone, huh? Perfect. "With us, you have a purpose. If you go against us, I'm terribly sorry to say will lose that purpose and...other things you rather like." She'd glance away from the girl then to look back up to her brother, humming again. "We require...a servant." She looked down to her again. "Something...adoreable, small..something without reason. You will do our bidding, whether its hunt for us or...hunt for us." She giggled then, having such an excellent time. Oh she loved little treats like this! Shifting slightly on her weight she'd lower her head more so she could look the girl in the eye. "Don't worry, we don't eat what we foul creatures are far too bitter." She stuck her tongue out then, shaking her head before her giggle filled the space once more. Her lips slowly moved into her smile, her brows curving upwards just slightly. "What do you say, little mouse?"

"Burn Baby Burn"