


08-10-2015, 01:38 AM

Head cocked and whipped around as the sound of a voice so familiar touched his ears, dripping like the tendrils of poison ivy crawling down an oak tree. The sound was soothing, dulling the appetite for hunger as she approached him. Her touch sent a shock up his body, driving his mind into a another spark of insanity, but the good kind. He whined as he rubbed his body along hers, head brushing under her chin like a pup that hadn't seen its mother in days. "Ylva my beloved, I've missed you!" He grunted as he licked at her face. It was an odd sight, to see a full grown man act in such a manner, but he wasn't completely right in the head. With his sister around, he acted differently. She practically controlled him, so his affections for her were great. He was needy for her, and it had always been this way since they were children. His tail wagged as he embraced her, the male ecstatic to see her once more. How long had it been? A season? Maybe less? He wasn't sure. All he knew was that it was a lonely world without his sister around.

As he took a small step back, tongue still slithering out to kiss her face, he caught a scent unlike any he'd smelled upon her before. A confused tilt of his head brought a clouded question to his eyes, wondering what was different here. All he could see was that she had probably gotten a little pudgy, which was unlike her. "It looks like you've gotten a little fat. Boredom making you eat while I was away?" He giggled a little as he stared his infamous stare, waiting for a smart remark from his dear sister.
