


08-10-2015, 02:20 AM

Aaww...he guessed it was time to stop heckling her and settle down. Ears perked forward as much as they could, his lopsided left ear twitched at an awkward angle. Yes, yes it was funny wasn't it!? Diablo could be the funny creature if he really wanted to, but only for his sister would the laughter be saved. He could be funny to others too, but only he would find his sense of humor funny while others would find it quite terrifying indeed. He pouted a little when she said he was acting like a pup, the man stretching forward and rolling onto his back as he pawed up towards her face as she spoke. He lightly nipped at her fore paws, though not enough to cause discomfort but perhaps more like a fly bothering about a horses legs. The mud upon his coat crackled, the male half listening to her scoldings until a rather interesting tune caught his attention.

Immediately he jumped up to his feet, crazed yellow gaze peering at her belly as he walked around to poke at it. He raised one large paw and prodded at her enlarged belly, a look of wonder and disbelief etched into his wild stare. " have things in there? Little tasty morsels eh?" He licked his lips, yellowed teeth glimmered in the faint light created by the river of fire just feet from them. Of course, his sister knew he referred to children as tasty morsels. He had never eaten one, but since they were as small as rodents in his eyes, well...rodents made for good snacks once in a while. Especially the plump ones with longs ears, those were always good too. "You-you say a man? What's he like? Quite the handsome one for you to go and get fat for him, oh yes indeed." He giggled as he stared at her belly again, as if the creatures inside would come tearing out like aliens. "I do whatever you ask, you know this." He turned to her with a wicked grin.
