
when the busy bee gathers



7 Years

08-10-2015, 11:01 AM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2015, 11:02 AM by Lillianna.)
Holy shit. Lillie's jaws tightened and her claws dug into the ground as she resisted the urge to step back. Okay, note to self: pissing off a wolf that's a whole lot bigger than you is probably not the brightest idea. Not one bit. Still, she would not give the bigger girl the satisfaction of smelling fear, or seeing Lillie flinch. No, she would stand tall and vanquish all the fear to the back of her mind, aware that if she was afraid, the girl would smell it. And on that same note, she really did not want to fight this wolf. She had no idea how to fight. Well, a secret part of her deep deep inside was vindictive enough to wish Seraphim's sister would attack, if only to get the idiot in trouble. But... that was deep inside of her, right?

Perhaps it was the numbness inside she already felt spreading through her, or perhaps her determination to not be afraid, but Vana's insulting words did... nothing to her. Her fur didn't even rustle at them. It was amusing rather, or perhaps curious was the better word. Her ears even pricked forward at the mention of Rhythm; so those were the details. Well, in a way. All she had known was that Rhythm smelled of Imperium and she had asked. She didn't know any of the details other than that, though.

She was rather taken back by Vana's next words. Well then. Rather overprotective of her brother, wasn't she. "I can say whoever's name I wish," she spluttered, not defensive or angry, just... matter of fact. "You don't control your brothers. Besides, he's fun to explore with." She didn't even really know what she was saying, any more, only that she wasn't very angry or amused, just a little confused and a little surprised.

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.