
Maybe it's all part of a plan



3 Years
Extra large
08-10-2015, 12:23 PM
She didn't have to look at her brother to know what he was thinking. They were woven from the same cloth, created by the same hands and spent every moment of every day together, it was bound to happen. Ever subtle movement from the lick of his lips to the shine in his eyes she knew, she read. She was very fluent in Ambrose. They were the perfect machine, which, she believed, was why they were so above these lesser things. They still would be if they ever parted, but that would never happen. They would live forever, together, at each other's side with nothing but these little playthings to join them from time to time. She snorted when Ambrose spoke, shaking her head as she looked back down at the little girl. "He's hopeless, you know. When he gets a notion to do something it's really...difficult to change his mind." She cooed, her eyes shining as she tilted her head just slightly.

When the little mouse spoke she blinked slightly, her smile fading just slightly. "Well, I don't really care and..." She smiled slowly, lowering her head again so she could look at the girl at eye level. Her smile spread to show sharp teeth, eyes flashing dangerously. "I didn't exactly ask." She purred, the sound vibrating from her throat as she lifted her head again and took a step back to hum lightly, looking over at Ambrose as he got...cuddly with their plaything. She couldn't help but smirk then, her own tail swishing behind her at his words. "He's right, little mouse. We don't want a robot, but we also don't want you too...comfortable either." She teased then, looking up at Ambrose as she thought. She tilted her head then, humming and gazing at the little girl. Did they want to get personal with her, or did they just want someone rather...anonymous to do their bidding? Surely it would help lay the ground work, get some information, learn what strings to pull. "Why are you so alone, little mouse?" She asked, stressing the nickname as her eyes flashed and she would laugh softly, a bubbly sound. The girl didn't need a name, that gave her more than she deserved right now. Maybe one day, if she pleased them. "You certainly smell like you've been alone for such a very long time. What happened? Did you get abandoned, left here? All alone?" Her smile was ever prominent, a gentle facade that seemed to almost make her more terrifying, more dangerous. She was very well put together, very controlled, but the moment she is crossed, all hell will break loose.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: iqznma.png]