
...Am I To Believe You Were All At A Picnic? {ABAVEN}



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
08-10-2015, 01:00 PM

The male stretched lazily beneath the bush he'd chosen to nap under. He had just joined Abaven only a few days ago, and he had been using the time to acquaint himself with the territories he now resided in. As he rose and stretched, a rather gaping yawn presented itself, and midway through his gaping gesture a call rang out for the members of Abaven. He paused for a moment, then proceeded to finish his yawn as he stretched out each limb in turn. Shaking his coat free of dirt and leaves, he sauntered towards the source of the sound. Sure that nobody had really shown up, he somewhat took his time. Though with his large size, his steps covered more ground then his smaller canine species. He wondered what this might be about, though given it was his first meeting as a new member, it had the potential to go good or bad. Personally, he didn't know anyone else here or what the goings on were. So with that in mind, he suddenly grew interested as he could witness his first "alpha yelling at the members for being lazy asses speech." A smirk pulled at his lips, as he continued his lumbering pace.

When he arrived, he saw a very displeased and disgruntled Allen. The man who had allowed him to join the pack despite Zell's not so friendly demeanor, and he had his reasons for that...but he also had determination, and maybe that's what Allen had seen in him. Crystal blue eyes also spotted a small female, a year old at best, sitting nearby as she fired off a question about training. Well now, wasn't that interesting. A kid wanted to lead a training session? His head tilted as he watched her, the giant coming to sit a little off to the side of Allen, though a respectable distance in front of him. He was sure that with his large size, he'd block the view of those who would hopefully gather, so why not save them the trouble now? "Morning boss. You seem a little frizzed today." His voice wasn't meant to offend, meant to sound more like a joke, but given the fact that it was Zell...Allen could take it whichever way he wanted.


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