
when the busy bee gathers



5 Years
Extra large
08-10-2015, 01:31 PM

Rage manifested in a sharp snarl within Vana's throat.

The girl wasn't listening - worse, she straight up rejected Evangeline's ultimatum. "They are my brothers. Mine! You won't touch them!" Her tone had gone from the furious shriek of earlier to something deeper and more ominous, a hoarse growl that promised, rather than threatened. The girl had insulted her, provoked her, and then continued to taunt her about her brothers when she could have just walked away from the start and left Vana to gather herbs alone. Vana would not be letting that slide, regardless of the size difference between the two of them.

Her slim body was held taut, her head lowered so uncovered fangs and burning eyes were level with Lillianna's head. "I won't let you."

Daddy's lessons were not in vain, as her defenses settled naturally despite the fury that clouded her mind. Her long legs spread to a widened stance, her toes spreading apart to increase her traction and balance. She held her weight centered to evenly distribute it over all four legs, and her knees and elbows bent slightly, the joints loose and flowing despite the tension in her frame. She dug her nails into the earth for better grip, and brought both her head and her tail to be level with her spine, her head pulling back slightly as her shoulders hunched forward to drive up the fur and skin of her scruff. Her hackles rose, and her chin tilted as her ears flattened against her skull and furious eyes narrowed into glowing gold slits.

She wished the girl was close enough to the river for Vana to just knock her in and sit on her til the bubbles stopped, but that wasn't an option. The river was too far away. Fine. She'd teach the girl a different lesson.

The distance between them was about midrange and Vana sought to close it in a head-on rush. Shifting her weight to her hind legs, she lifted her forelegs in a half-rear, and attempted to slam the center of her chest with its bony sternum down and forward, aiming to hit the front of Lillie's throat halfway between top and bottom in the hopes of hitting a disabling blow on the windpipe. As she did, she sought to wrap both her long forelegs around Lillie's neck just above the shoulders - Vana's right leg crossing from Lillie's left side to her right, and the left leg crossing from Lillie's right to her left - with the intention of bear-hugging the smaller girl to her chest in the hopes of overwhelming her with her greater weight and smothering her breathing.

Simultaneously Vana arched her neck so her muzzle pointed down, and - jaws gaping - attempted engulf the upper part of Lillie's face within her jaws. Her upper canines were aimed for Lillie's forehead next to her right ear, and her lower jaw seeking to catch beneath Lillie's lower jaw on the smaller girl's right side near the very front, with the intention of snapping her jaws shut and gauging deep scars across the bitch's face from ear to lip, maybe even fracturing the lower jaw bone if she caught well enough. See how the bitch fared trying to entice males with her face as ugly as her insides.


Round 1/?

OOC: Approximate range is based on Lillie stopping "a little bit back" in her first post, and then attempting to walk away in her third post.