
Icarius Kaname


08-10-2015, 03:28 PM
OOC Name: Azzy
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Design: link!
Icarius stands at 30 inches, body neither thin nor heavily toned. With his activities the boy is able to keep his body in average shape, and since he has not been in his darker moods just yet he is not littered with scars for the time being. Fur is shorter than norm but not by a crazy amount, the mane and tail being less poofy. Body is covered in a dark grey, with darker near black on the face, entire tail and lower half of his legs. On his sides are a thin, almost triangular shaped marking that thins to a point as it near his back. Light gray tips his ears and cover his underside. Eyes a bright green.

Holding a mask over true emotions, Icarius stands as a statue to everyone around him. Emotions are a difficult thing to get out of him, and the bit you manage to drag out of the boy doesn't suffice. The same goes for trying to get an understanding for others, often mistaking one thing for another, however he doesn't make a scene of it and only reacts in a physical manner, silently. He can be seen as anti-social, preferring to be alone rather than interact with those around him, his family pushing those limits but still is manageable. When interacting with others he can be “rude” at times, speaking his thoughts about a situation or how somebody may be annoying him, keeping a monotonous voice that makes it clear that he isn't trying to purposely hurt feelings. Not that he would really care if he did or not.

Not entirely loyal to people outside his family, let alone his family itself. The boy realizes who his parents are and that they brought him into this world but he doesn't put effort in sticking around or checking in with them. Randomly he shows, few reasons being because they happened to be in his path or because they called, but other than that he is roaming. When it comes to their safety he will step up in a way, standing up for each one if he sees they are in the right in his mind, and if not then he will step back and take no side.

Often he can be found trailing behind those who he has targeted as his, displeased with the idea that they are socializing with others instead of him alone. He might not be able to vocalize the feelings he has for the people, so the only way he knows how to show them are by stalking them almost. Liking to have a close eye on said wolf's actions, sticking to the shadows where he can not be seen. From these followings he also learns about you, the way you look at a certain object, your bodies reactions towards the change in weather or another coming near. If you're caught doing something he doesn't like, Icarius will wait for when you're alone to strike. From the darkness he rises, coming down on you like a cloak and getting a rush from the taste of your blood on his tongue. He will mark you, both as punishment and as a claim. You are his and can't leave. Abusive, though he does not see it.

Normally calm, when you somehow manage to push his buttons the boy can become quite a force. He will lash out with fangs, diving full force into what his mind is set on and won't allow it to be deterred. Even if a battle is lost, Icarius still believes he can win the war, taking it as a chance to look back on his mistake and improve ten fold for the next time. In this state he can be... messy. The male looks to draw as much blood as possible, both to taste and savor his small achievement and to also relish in the sweet red liquid. A dark attraction towards the harmed, he enjoys playing with his toys, making them spill those that make them function. Found torturing creatures for hours or even days before finally ending in the most sloppy of ways.