
when the busy bee gathers



7 Years

08-10-2015, 05:08 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2015, 08:27 PM by Lillianna.)
"I don't want to touch them. That's gross - and doesn't seem very fun, besides." For the love of everything alive, what was she saying? Her mind seemed fragmented, her mouth acting on it's own, and she couldn't seem to pull herself together to make herself shut up. Not that she really needed to. When golden eyes, glowing with undisguised hate and rage her turned on her, she felt more awake, and instantly stepped back. Despite this, her muscles wouldn't move when her mind shouted run. She was frozen.

When Vana lunged, something snapped inside Lillie and she attempted to turn, lunging away from the older, bigger, furious girl. It was in vain; she moved too late, moved too slow. Evangeline hit her, chest smashing down on her shoulder. Pain made her cry out; the shoulder popped out of place even as Lillie crashed down on her back, Vana's front legs wrapping around her next just as was intended. Lillie scrabbled at Vana's underside with her remaining paws, the the attempts were weak - if they even got through the fur, it would be mere scratches that would disappear in a day or two. Nothing to distract Vana from her vengeance.

Lillie's head thrashed back and forth, still fighting. Vana's jaws closed in on her face in a different position than was intended, but still effective. The upper canines gouged the forehead over her right eye, dragging over the eye and diagnal to the left on her cheek. Her lower jaws smashed into her jaw line, her left lower canine gashing into the bottom of Lillie's chin. The force of the teeth between the canines caused the skin to break over the bone, and the bone itself fractured. The lower right canine hit beside the jaw, rather than on it, and caused only a scrape, though still deep enough to cause bleeding.

All this caused a scream: a scream, high-pitched and shrill, right in Vana's ears. This was a scream of pure agony, even as darkness danced before her eyes. She was conscious, but only just. She was only away of the throbbing pain in her jaws, her eye, her face, her shoulder. Breathing hurt - every breath she took just gave her more pain. In the distance she heard sobbing; cries of pain - it never occurred to her as she drowned in this red and blackness that those cries were her own.


Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.