
when the busy bee gathers



6 Years
08-10-2015, 05:58 PM

Vail was out playing when she caught Lillie's scent, the tiny child, or not so tiny anymore she was growing like a weed. Her legs were a bit longer and she was that much taller. Her confidence had grown aas well, thanks to the persistent effort of her mother. Vail was slowly growing into a young adult no matter how much anyone wished her to stay a child. This newfound confidence and trail to adulthood would give Vail a false sense of security. She was much too confident in her abilities and as she followed Lillie's scent out of the territory the sense of 'wrongness' would fall over her. She'd go from confident stroll, to a more timid exploration.

Eventually she'd make her way to the South, she was a bit slower than her almost adopted sister but would eventually catch up. Just in time for the fight to escalate. By this time she knew very well she was going to be in trouble by the time they made it back to Abaven. Quite clearly she'd hear, "You're a dirty, stupid little bitch." And her ears would fall to her skull. Not just because of the hostility on the voice but the terrible word that had been uttered. Vail would gasp, but continue to move closer. She had to be quiet, and finally she'd be able to see it was indeed Lillie on the opposing side of this raging girl. The light was bright enough that she could make the both of them out despite the distance between her and them.

Suddenly though the bigger girl attacked Lillie. It seemed like there was only a brief moment of silence where the crack of bone on bone overwhelmed everything else. It was all Chaos in her mind after that. Lillie would scream out, like nothing that Vail had ever heard before. Suddenly she was terrified, and would retreat backwards as far as she could before she too broke down into tears. She didn't hurt like it was apparent Lillie did, but hearing the sounds she made... Vail wanted her mommy right then.

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