
when the busy bee gathers

Motif I


4 Years
08-10-2015, 06:19 PM (This post was last modified: 08-10-2015, 06:19 PM by Motif I.)

Motif would hear Lillie's scream, she had been relaxing in her den, none of her children in sight – Shaye, Lillie.. and Vail. She had started to trust that Vail would be okay for short periods without her secret shadow guarding her every move. To this day Vail did not know that Motif had been there in the shadows every time Vail had gone out to play, that she had always, always, had her guardian mother in her presence. Now, with Lillie's shocking scream and no Vail in sight Motif would run, run like she hadn't run in a year, run like once she use to when she had felt like her entire freedom depended on it, run like she had when she was younger and she thought that all there was to live was the thrill of the run. It would utterly astound her at how far her blind little Vail had made it from their pack lands, especially with it being her first time out.

She found the two of them, Lillie a mess, Vail a small, shocked pile. She stuck her head into Vail's chest, taking one big sniff and ensuring the most precious thing in her life was unharmed. Next, she ran to Lillie, barely even glancing at the yearling female with blood on her jaws as she grabbed Lillie as gently as she could, and dragged her carefully over the earth, uncertain how aware the girl in agony was. She dragged her in a path back to Vail, where she gently raised a paw and nudged her daughter, nudging for Vail to come with them. It hurt,a physical pain in her chest that she was unable to pick up her daughter well she was in distress, but Lillie needed the support more. She moved until the three of them where far from the scene of the fight and then she would stop, Easing Lillie's head down and checking over the injuries, licking where she bleed to stem to flow of it. That about the most she could do, she was no healer. She drew Vail close to her. Even as she cared for the injured yearling she found anger boiling in her veins. She trusted Lillie, and yet, somehow, both she and her blind little daughter where out here so far from home. How did this happen? Clearly there was danger, danger Lillie had gotten them both into and she squarely and wholly blamed it on the oldest, the one who was meant to be mature, who had promised to watch out for Vail. She said nothing, there would be no sign of her anger but for the darkening of her eyes. “Can you walk? we must get back to Abaven,” she said softly, all of her willpower was used to make the word come out gently. it was perhaps unfair that she could hold so much anger to the wolf who was actually injured. but she was Vail's mother first, and she was furious. She picked up Vail then, needing her daughter to be near to her, needing her daughter in her arms. She would carry Vail back, weather the young wolf wanted her too or not. She would support Lillie's return home too, but right now, all she could care about was how Vail had come so far from home, how she had been out here, near danger, and witnessed the fight between Lillie and another.
