


08-11-2015, 01:31 AM
He stared as she snapped up another mouse...his sister must have a fetish with them, she was always torturing the poor things and attracted them like flies to dung. It was quite funny in his eyes, the monster stifled a giggle as she dangled it over the inferno. When he heard the rapid fire screams of the little thing, he laughed, "So that's what it's like...I wanna try!" His excitement was obvious as he bounced on his toes, a wicked grin on his maw as he turned to gaze at her, sheer delight in his eyes. "But I wanna try with something bigger! I wanna hear them scream sis!" Now the question was, who could he lure here to "accidentally" push into the fire?

He playfully nipped at her paw as she explained what was to come, his heart pounding at his sisters touch and the thought of meeting this "Sin" guy his sister grew so fond of. Also, the prospect of having little welps he could train was quite fascinating. "Oooh that does sound like fun! Can I teach them that it's okay to eat others like us? They're so tasty sis! I can't get enough of them!" His cannibalism was something he had recently discovered, but he loved it!