
Can't You See?


08-11-2015, 08:47 AM

Thanatos was on the move yet again, searching for some form of familiarity. Philly and Herc had gone, where he didn’t know, but they were gone. Thany would move under his usual slow state of movement, Poe flew overhead, keeping a look out from above if there was anything or anyone familiar. So far there had been almost nothing however. Thanatos it seemed was the last of Pantheon at this point. A shame it was, but what could one do? There was little more they could decide upon to do other than continuing on.

That was when Thanatos finally caught a familiar scent. The boy he had met in the desert. What was he doing out here? He would follow the scent, arriving at a den, to hear the boy talking. But to whom? There were no other scents there. He would furrow his brow, pushing into the den and leaving Poe flying about outside as he arrived at the side of the younger male. Thany would give a soft whine, seeing that the other seemed to be a delirious state of mind.

“Shiki...?” He would question, unsure if the other was even aware that he was here right now.

"Talk" "You" Think